.Saturday, March 20, 2010@Saturday, March 20, 2010.
HelloHello ! Oopsie..Long time haven't post .. Quite busy nowadays..Well , too bad fer me.. Now , currently listening to my favourite song 'Di antara Cinta Dan Ego[Cinta Ixora]' .. It really describes my exact mood this day .. hehe, Well, can't wait to watch 'Cinta Ixora' ... Woohoo.. it's quite interesting , you know.. You should watch too.. this is their song that i have been listening to .. Enjoy !
Quite nice , right ? ♥All those actors/actresses .. Wish that i get to know them especially the girls.. So far , i'm a friend of Sarah Aqilah , Haizad Imran & Faizal Isa.. hehe, These are some of their pics:
Loved the show .. If you want to watch it , it's on Saturday & Sunday @9.30pm[Suria] Don't forget !
Got to go , ..Shasha...
.Saturday, March 6, 2010@Saturday, March 06, 2010.
Today , watch movie 'Alice In Wonderland[In 3D] with my frenz . Quite fun ,hahas but not so fun when diana decided not to go to watch it . Haizz.. I bought a Nacho combo then eat by myself[i kno i'm very stingy , hahas] while Amirah bought a popcorn combo but she never eat it [Lols !] . We went inside but the lights was off so we can't find those seats . Amira looks scared if she would fall over those stairs so i search for it and found it .During the movie , i was sitting in between Amira & Amirah then there's one part of the movie when suddenly, a robot pointed a sword at someone , it looks like it was pointing at me seyh .. Me and Amira was like going to scream .. hehe..so real ..blahblahblah..After watching it , went to McDonald to buy food . Then , went back home . Wish that we'll hang out again and watch scary movies ,hehe .
.Wednesday, February 17, 2010@Wednesday, February 17, 2010.
phew , quite tired 2day . after school , there's House Practice . i always hate it when there's House Practice . i dunno why . during the House Practice , the House Captain talked about the Sport's Day event . i was like ' i don't want to hear . i don't want to hear it .' when he was talking about it , i remembered last year Sport's Day when i lost my 4x100m race . i was in the fourth place . i felt like i'm gonna faint when the race finished . so , i don't want it to happen again . then , suddenly Agnes asked me if i'm gonna participate the 4x100m race . i said ' well...okay..'.. then she came to me again ... she said if i could change the 4x100m race to 800m race .. i don't want .... but they[Felicia & Agnes] were like forcing me so i said okay... hmph.. i knew that this would happen... haix !
kkk...Change topic.. Ah ! about the new born kittens that i posted previously .. well...erm...my aunt is gonna sell those kittens for $700 each . if you are interested , just tell me , ok ? =D
.Tuesday, February 16, 2010@Tuesday, February 16, 2010.
hey y'all ! today i went to my aunt's house , it's so cool ! when i stepped into her house , i saw this new born babies ! so cute ... i spend my time holding them ... haha, i can't resist their cute faces . as you can see , one of them had it's eyes opened bcuz he/she was born two weeks earlier than the other three.. so damn cute , right ?! i want to see them again !!! i want those cute kittens !! but i have 5 cats at home.. 4 of them are their siblings .. want to see them ? here they are :
aren't they cute too ?! hehe, how about this one ? i found her in a drain infront of Rulang Primary School . when i saw her , her right leg was injured . until now , her right leg was not recovered yet . but she's cute ,right ?! i know i'm praising my own cats . haha, but how about u guys ? which one do u like ? =D
well , that's all for this post Shasha...
.Sunday, February 14, 2010@Sunday, February 14, 2010.
hey everybody ! 'HAPPY VALENTINES DAY' !! woots!!! are u couples happy ? well i'm not ! haha.. anyways , 'happy valentines day !' even though i don't have any valentine this year .. hmph.. today , woke up about 10.30am .. then ate some oranges..[in case u forgot ,its 'Chines New Year' , so i eat oranges] after that , watch malay movie ;Cinta U-Turn then , ordered Ritez Pizza .. then someone delivered the pizza .. and guess what ? it was my brother who was delivering it .. LOL ! i asked him if i could get a discount from him.. haha.. but he says 'N-o ! NO! haix ! my $30 gone just like that because of that pizza .. but it's yummy.. my brother made it for me.. then i eat eat eat.. then chat with 'somebody' on facebook.. blablabla...
That's All ! ....Shasha....
.Tuesday, February 9, 2010@Tuesday, February 09, 2010.
In the morning , went to school.. no media duty today.. i felt so safe when there's no media club duty for me.. haha.. first period ,english ;quite boring.. i tried to open my eyes widely seyh..so sleepy.. i want to sleep ! but i can't..i was at the front seat..there's 0% chance for me to sleep.. Lol... then it's P.E.. we were told to do the long jump.. there's two rows; Boys and Girls.. amira was the first person to jump with shaik.. they just ran and jump.. i thought it was just so simple until it was ahila's turn.. ahila jumped and suddenly her legs slip off and landed with a sound.. she SLIDE AND FALL ! i was like 'OhMyGoodness!' then everyone laugh... LOL ! haix..
after the lessons ended , me ,amira and phoebe went to look for Mr. Yeo.. we went in to his office and handed up our Art homework.. then i told amira to ask Mr.Yeo 'About the competition thingy'[it's not N.E Mation].. the competition was called 'i will'.. we were so excited to join.. and saw the website says 'Each competitor'... We want GROUP not INDIVIDUAL ! wth.. we declined Mr. Yeo's offer [as if..] and went back home..
Shasha ..
.Monday, February 8, 2010@Monday, February 08, 2010.
Back to posting , it's been 2 months i didn't update anything in my blog..so sorry about that.. last tuesday, i went to JP wif my sis to watch a movie 'ToothFairy'..it was about this guy who didn't believe in fairy tales..he gets a summon to go toothfairy land and duties as a toothfairy..the movie was quite hilarious ..if you have not watch the movie yet ,well..you should watch it !it's very funny ! haha..
after i watch that movie , i was planning to watch another movie called 'Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief...Well..i love watching movies ,u know(:
Ctea Shasha
14 this year,
previously in RPS ;currently in JSS
Hot-tempered but friendly though
Be honest and i'll be ur friend ♥
(L): Movies , Chocholates, Family & Friends.
(X): Betrayers, Spammers
Hate it when people lie . When you look at me , i'll pretend that i don't know you and walk away like we've never had met before .
•Hang out wif Jss/R-Nitez besties
•Gets in the N.E Mation 4
•Be in the Top 20 or 10 teams in
N.E Mation 4
•Gets in the N.E Mation 5
•Be in the Top 10 teams in N.E Mation 5